I'm Jen, the blog-owner, but Louis is a regular photo and project contributor. I grew up in Iowa, staying in my homestate all through college. I moved "up north" to participate in a year-long volunteer program, and the splendor of Minnesota, combined with a childhood fondness for summer trips here took hold. I love both Iowa and Minnesota and could never stray from the Midwest.
Louis is a born and bred St. Paulite, living in Iowa City and Oregon for a few years during and after college, but eventually he made his way back "home." 

We met at work, got married in the summer of 2010, and a mere 4 days later made an offer on our first house. It only took us about 25 to find just the right one, and it happens to be a traditional, two-story, 1921 home. We think of this place as a forever home (I surely hope so as it marks my 8th MN address in 5 years!) and have many long-term visions for our life together here.
And this is Lilly, our wonder-pup! We adopted Lilly from the Animal Humane Society and couldn't imagine a better, furry little friend. We're not quite sure, since she was a rescue, but we think she's a lab/terrier/pitbull mix. She's as sweet as can be, very smart, and will do anything if you give her a treat, or anything resembling food in general (she'll eat it all!).
This blog is a chronicle of our projects, cooking/baking, and general adventures near and (not too) far from home.