Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hello, cupcake!

Normally I'd lament the end of the weekend, especially one that also ushers in the end of Daylight Saving Time, but not this one.  Tonight wrapped up a big work event that has been lots of work in the making.  Whew!

So before I eat my celebratory cupcake, I thought I'd share one of my latest projects:  fabric flowers!  Now, this isn't the first time I've created loads of fabric flowers.  I made these green beauties as boutonnieres for our readers and all the dudes in our families for our wedding.  And they took forever.

Yet I wanted to make fabric flowers again.  I've been loving the big poofy flowers and bib necklaces that are all over etsy...and I'm thinking ahead to Christmas gifts.  I had an idea in my head of what these would look like.  And just to prove that not all of my crafts succeed at first...

There's version one...a lot of twisted, fraying going on.
Version two...sort of, not quite what I want.
Version three...getting there, sort of.

Then enter blogger tutorial.  Whew!  It still took a bit of effort, but I followed along with this straightforward fabric rosette tutorial.  And Louis bought me a glue gun so I could make 'em.  Yeah!

It took a bit of practice, each one getting better than the last.  And then I made a whole fleet of them!  Or 9 or 10.  How many is a fleet anyway? 

And so much for Christmas presents since I've used them to make things for myself.  Meh?

A little grey/cream combo.

And a shade of yellow I'd like to call goldenrod.  Pictured here with my fab colleague Amy at said work event.  (Thanks to my father-in-law for taking pictures at the event!).

I'm looking forward to what I hope will be a less hectic week...and some commitment-free evenings for crafting. :)  But now, I do believe I have deserved a cupcake!

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