Saturday, November 13, 2010

Raking one day, shoveling the next.

Oh, Midwest.  You and your weather are so finicky.  It was 70 degrees in Minnesota on Wednesday.  This weekend, we're under a winter weather advisory or warning (or who even knows the difference between all of those?  Bottom line:  there will be snow.).

Louis was a total skeptic, but when I heard the forecast yesterday, I made sure to get as many of our remaining leaves on the ground raked up.  I'd rather deal with them now than in April, right?

I woke up this morning, remembering the outlook.  I sort of thought, "Yeah, right.  Nothing will have happened."

Then I drew back the curtains and saw this:

I let out a tiny scream.

I feel bad for the neighbor's tree.  Just when I was commenting how nice it was to still have some leaves on the trees and in this gorgeous golden color we see for so little of the year.

Our tree wasn't quite ready either.  Sigh.  Neither are we.  Yes, it's beautiful.  Yes, it's peaceful.  But could it wait at least another month?  I've already got Christmas being shoved in my face everywhere I look (someone please tell me WHY there is already a Christmas radio station BEFORE Thanksgiving?).

I guess I have to go...I need to find my mittens and hats and actually drag out my winter coat and not the in-between ones.  I'm pretty sure it's only supposed to rain in Iowa this weekend.  It's only a matter of time before my Dad calls...

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh!!!! Made me think of all that horrible shoveling we had to do (a.k.a. you and Caro mostly did) in the Green House! But I sure helped partake in playing in the snow at the park!
