Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cookies, crafts, and Christmas!

Since I took much of this last week off from pretty much everything (besides sleeping, eating, and lounging) I'm well behind on my Christmas updates and here we are in the new year. 

First, the cookies.  Oh boy were there cookies!

I made all five types of cookies, as promised, and truffles (you'll want this recipe), to boot!  I may have gone overboard.

And now that the gifts have all been given, my Christmas crafts can be revealed.

Fabric flower rosette necklaces and headbands for my sisters and a friend.  I logged many hours with my glue gun on these--and started them back in October!

Glass etching of the Eiffel Tower.

Glass etching with a homemade stencil xacto-knife cut from contact paper in progress...

Which landed on one of these jars, which was filled with hot cocoa mix, printed instructions tag, and (my favorite) cinnamon sticks.  I'll eventually do a more in-depth glass etching how-to post (or link to others whose instructions inspired me).

There was also a bulletin board project, of which this is the only photo I took before giving it away.

And more bunting...because, why not?

Whew, no wonder I've been lazy this past week!

1 comment:

  1. you need a Cricut!! It works magic with glass etching and a million other's worth the investment!!
